NAME: The name of the Association shall be The Stoke Lane Allotment Association
OBJECTS: The objects of the Association shall be:
1. to promote the interests of all members in gardening activities and take joint action for the benefit of its members
2. to conduct negotiations with the local authority and private landlords for use of gardening land
3. to take action to protect members against damage, trespass and theft
4. to obtain a supply of seeds, fertilisers, tools and other horticultural equipment on behalf of members
5. to co-operate with other gardening associations and environmental organisations in matters of mutual interest.
MEMBERSHIP: The Association shall consist of such persons whose applications for membership are approved by the committee or their representative, and whose membership fees are not in arrears by more than one month. Each member shall be entitled to one vote at any General Meeting. Members shall observe the Rules of the Association.
OFFICERS: The Officers of the Association, a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer, shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. Retiring Officers shall be eligible for re-election. They shall be members of the Committee.
COMMITTEE: A Committee of Management of 10 members (including the Officers) plus the Gedling Borough Council representative shall conduct the affairs of the Association. The Committee shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election. The Committee shall fill casual vacancies and the members appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. A quorum for Committee Meetings shall be four members.
GENERAL MEETINGS: The notice period for the Committee to call a meeting of members shall be fourteen days. Twenty five members shall form a quorum and all decisions shall be by a simple majority with the Chairman having a casting vote. At the Annual General Meeting, which shall be held within three months of the financial year end, a statement of income and expenditure and the Secretary's report shall be submitted, the Officers and Committee for the coming year elected and the independent examiner appointed.
FINANCIAL: The Committee shall operate bank accounts in the name of the Association and deposit all monies received from any source into such accounts. There shall be three cheque signatories and all cheques shall require two signatures. The financial year shall end on 30th September.
INDEPENDENT EXAMINER: An independent examiner shall be appointed who is not a member of the Committee to examine the annual statement of income and expenditure.
ALTERATIONS: To change the Constitution or the Rules governing the Association, due notice of a General Meeting must be given specifying the proposed alteration.
DISSOLUTION: A motion to dissolve the Association shall require a majority of two thirds of votes cast. Such motion to include specific proposals for distributing the surplus assets of the Association after the settlement of all liabilities..