Committee Membership Election Process

Any person who wishes to stand for election to the Management Committee must be a member of the Stoke Lane Allotment Association. They must be nominated by a member of the Association and seconded by another member of the Association. At the Annual General Meeting, the candidates have a maximum of two minutes to address the membership should they so wish. If, for example, two members put themselves forward for the post of Chair, they might choose to speak after which the election for the Chair would take place.


Only Association members may vote at the AGM and they must vote for only one candidate for each of the offices of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. In the event that there is only one candidate for the office, members may vote in favour or against the candidate or abstain.


Once the election of the three officers is complete, members will vote to elect the remainder of the committee up to a maximum of seven candidates.


The votes will be counted and a result declared immediately.