Stoke Lane Allotment Tenancy Rules

The tenant agrees to observe the following rules:

1. to use the plot as an allotment garden and for no other purpose. An allotment garden provides produce primarily for the use of the plot-holder and their family – it is not a smallholding. It is not permitted to operate a trade from the plot or to use it as a dump. Storage is only permitted for items reasonably required in cultivating the garden.

2. to keep the allotment garden clean and in a good state of cultivation and fertility throughout the term of the tenancy. The plot shall be kept tidy and as weed-free as possible to avoid nuisance to neighbouring plots and houses. Covering the ground for the suppression of weeds will only be accepted for a limited period of time. If, on inspection, the Committee decides that a plot has not been cultivated to a reasonable standard, a letter will be sent to the plot-holder giving 28 days' notice of a second inspection. If the plot is still unsatisfactory at that date the procedure for the termination of the tenancy may begin. Such procedure may also be started for any tenant whose plot is unsatisfactory and who has received warning letters twice in the past. A plot-holder may request a meeting to discuss the state of the plot with Committee Members by contacting the Secretary on condition that the meeting is requested within fourteen days of the warning letter being issued and is held before the 28 days notice period elapses. The plot-holder must contact a Committee Member without delay if they realise that they are not able to cultivate their plot to a reasonable standard.

3. not to assign, underlet or part with the possession of the allotment garden or any part of it

4. not to give undertakings to third parties about future tenancy agreements

5. to permit any committee member, officer or servant of the Association or of the Council at any time to enter upon and inspect the allotment garden

6. not to keep any livestock except as permitted by Clause 12 of the Allotments Act 1950. Permission to keep livestock on the plot will be withdrawn if it is a nuisance to others or if there are concerns about animal welfare. It is the responsibility of the plot-holder to observe current DEFRA and RSPCA standards of animal husbandry to avoid loss of livestock, spread of disease or the risk of prosecution.

7. to inform the secretary within fourteen days of any changes to contact information and of any circumstance affecting their ability to cultivate the plot

8. to make connections to the water supply only from the official on/off taps

9. not to misuse or waste water (eg with faulty connections or leaking hosepipes) and not to leave hosepipes on when not in attendance at the plot

10. to close and lock the site gates on entering or leaving the site. The gate must be closed after passing through, the only exception being when another legitimate site user is waiting ready to enter or leave. SLAA Tenancy Rules Page 2 October 2015

11. to protect site notice boards and buildings and any fences, hedges or gates enclosing the allotment garden

12. to pay promptly the annual sums levied by the Management Committee. Sums due are payable in advance and cover the year ending 30 September. It is not the policy of the Association to make a refund if the tenancy ends part way through the year

13. to pay on entry to the Association a once only joining fee and a refundable deposit for the key to the site gates

14. not to cause or permit or suffer to be caused any nuisance or annoyance to the Association, its tenants or the occupiers of adjoining land or premises; to take all reasonable steps to identify hazards on the site and to reduce them

15. to plant any fruit bushes, runner beans and other bulky crops in such a manner that when fully grown they do not obstruct the free use of roads

16. to tend hedges so that they do not overhang the roadway or neighbouring plots; to restrict their height to no more than 2 metres

17. to keep the tenant's share of the roads adjoining their allotment garden free of weeds and other rubbish

18. not to light bonfires between 31st March and 31st October

19. to use all means to minimise the nuisance from winter time bonfires. Where possible, take material to the tip or recycling centre and compost all suitable waste. If a bonfire is necessary, ensure that the material burned is dry and stay on site until it has burned out. Do not leave it stoked up to smoulder during the evening/night-time. Do not allow smoke to drift over the road or nearby housing. Accelerants must not be used. Always consider the effects of your bonfire on others.

20. not to deposit or allow others to deposit upon the allotment garden any earth, road sweepings, refuse or other materials excepting only topsoil, manure or wood chippings in quantities such as may reasonably be required for immediate use in cultivation

21. not to bring onto the site for any purpose materials which are dangerous, illegal or problematic (for example, asbestos sheets, car tyres, inappropriate furniture)

22. to submit plans to the Association secretary before erecting or installing any structure on the allotment garden

23. not to use barbed/razor wire for a fence

24. not to cause or permit the presence of dogs not under proper control; to clean up after their dogs on the site and its environs.

25. to abide by a 5mph speed limit on the sit

Stoke Lane Allotment - Cultivation of Plots Policy

It is a condition of tenancy of an allotment plot that the plot must be cultivated to the required standard. Any plot holder who for any reason is unable to cultivate their plot to this standard and does not wish to lose the tenancy shall contact the Secretary (or other Committee member) to discuss ways to remedy the situation. It is therefore the responsibility of the plot holder to do so either personally or by representative.

The Association ruling on the cultivation standard shall be that any ground not occupied by approved sheds, greenhouses, cold frames or pollytunnels shall be planted with any combination of fruit, vegetables and flowers. The plot shall be kept tidy and as weed free as possible so as not to cause any imposition on neighbouring plots. Covering the ground for suppression of weeds will only be accepted for a limited period of time.

Plot holders will not bring any materials onto the site which are dangerous, illegal or problematic (e.g. asbestos sheets, car tyres, inappropriate furniture etc.)

The plots on the site will be inspected at least 4 times a year by two committee members. Any plots deemed not to be cultivated to the required standard will be noted and a letter sent to the plot holder asking for the plot to be brought up to the standard within 28 days of the letter. The plot holder may request a meeting to discuss the state of the plot with the committee members by contacting the Secretary; however this meeting will not affect the 28 days from the date of the letter.

After 28 days the plot will be inspected again and if in the opinion of the examiners the plot still does not met the criteria then the procedure for the termination of the tenancy will be implemented. The decision of the committee shall be final.

It remains the policy of the Association that should any tenant receive 1 warning letter about the state of their plots then their tenancy may be terminated.